The Beginning
Some 40 years ago, GIlbert Kelland, CBE. QPM, the Assistant Commissioner of The Metropolitan Police in command of ‘C’ Department (The Criminal Investigation Department at New Scotland Yard and on the London Territories) decided to form The Fifth Floor Club.
He decided to use that name because the operational heads of the specialist investigative departments at New Scotland Yard were, in the main, based on that floor.
That building has since been vacated and New Scotland Yard has found its new home on London’s Embankment.

Whilst Gilbert Kelland had spent most of his illustrious career in the uniform department, he felt an immediate attachment to his new command and he admired the dedication and professionalism of those heading the specialist investigation departments at New Scotland Yard.
He wanted to meet with his officers in a more formal relaxed setting, outwith the grind of daily operational duty, where enduring friendships between like-minded officers could be in made, where experiences surrounding complex investigations were exchanged, and all in a warm, friendly, and dynamic environment. Of course, good food and fine wine were prerequisites.
He believed passionately in the findings of Maslow, delineated in his research paper ‘The Hierarchy of Needs’, that social interaction was a vital part of the wellbeing of his senior officers.
Whilst the membership of The Club now comprise retired senior detectives, those admirable objectives have been maintained under the careful guidance of Sir John Dellow, the Immediate Past President, himself a former Deputy Commissioner and Assistant Commissioner ‘C’ Department.
The current President, only recently appointed, is former Deputy Assistant Commissioner Michael Richards, Ex Commander C13 (Anti Terrorist Branch) and Det. Ch. Supt. Murder Squad and Flying Squad, who oversees the high standards inherited from the day of formation.
It is a unique and special Club offering opportunities to former and current senior detectives not available anywhere else in London.
Enduring friendships between detectives develope across Areas, Districts, and specialist departments, an attainment not always possible during the constant pressures of everyday front line detective work. Guests welcome the opportunity to join in our festivities and invariably there are requests for repeat invitations.

The foundational document for The Club is its Constitution from which it takes guidance in the performance of its activities.
The President is assisted by a Secretary whose appointment is approved by the membership. Annual General Meetings are held during which the President and Secretary, who take their guidance from the membership, will produce reports and deal immediately with matters arising. The Club is a democtratic member’s club, and all decisions affecting The Club’s Constitution are taken by the members, not unilaterally by those privileged to hold office.

Originally, meetings were held at New Scotland Yard, but now no banqueting facilities are available in the new building on The Embankment.
Currently, members meet three times a year for lunch at a very impressive and well resourced London Club which is conveniently situated near a tube and rail station.
Often, members meet for a drink in the well appointed bar, before the formal meal held in the banqueting room, and then some retire for cocktails and other drinks at the bar. Overnight accommodation is available to those qualified to use those facilities.

Membership is open to those officers of Detective Superintendent rank and above, who served, or are currently serving, within the specialist investigation departments at New Scotland Yard or on the territorial divisions of The Metropolitan Police.
The current membership, content in its convivial surroundings, is now aware that the influx of younger members, likely to take a leading role in the administration of The Club, is paramount if another 40 years is to be circumvented.

Applications for Membership are handled by former Deputy Assistant Commissioner Mike Richards, who is always available to welcome new members and to explain The Clubs history, its legacy, and its aims. The current annual membership fee is £20 which helps to pay for gratuities, for retirement gifts, and donations to worthy causes.


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